Athena's Books and Battle gear

The best place to shop from the wisest to the jocks 


     Welcome to Athena's Books and Battle gear (ABBG). Our business has products of anyone's liking. We have items for the smart ones, the athletic ones, and even the crafty ones. The products have high quality and can't be found anywhere else. With the wide variety, ABBG is sure to guarantee customer satisfaction.

Our prices are cheaper than most, but if you think their high, it's for a good reason. Athena believes in being generous, caring, and helping, so 1/4 of all profit go to school systems to help provide education everywhere. So, everybody wins at Athena's Books and Battle gear!

About Us

       Athena's Books and Battle gear was created by the maiden goddess Athena. It was made so she can contribute her skills to everyone and bring happiness. Her people at Athens always wanted her products so she put them in easy-access spot. The ABBG has been around for dozens of years and only get good ratings. Trust me if you shop here you will not be disappointed!
       Athena or sometimes Minerva is the goddess of war, wisdom, crafts and the domestic arts. She is the protector of Athens and Zeus's, her father, favorite child. For this reason she is allowed to use his weapons and carry around the thunderbolt. A lot of people call her a fierce, ruthless battle goddess and associate her with reason, wisdom and purity; but she is also clever. She invented the bridle, and the first to tame a horse for men to use. The best word to describe her is "gray-eyed", or translated to "flashing-eye".

How she came to be/ Family

     Her father, Zeus, was married to the goddess Metis, daughter of Ocean and known for her wisdom. When she became pregnant, the earth warned a son who would overthrow him. Afraid, Zeus swallowed Metis in the form of a fly. Later, Zeus had a terrible headache; he summoned Hephaestus, the craftsman god, who cleaved his forehead with an ax. Out sprung the Amazing goddess Athena full grown and dressed in compete battle gear.

     Athena also has 5 siblings who are also major gods/goddess. They are Hermes, Hephaestus, Ares, and the twins: Apollo and Artemis. She also never married and had no children.


Athena's Books and Battle Gear have such a variety of products. This comes in handy when out shopping for my family and friends. There are such good products everywhere!! -- American Mother

Going out to battle you need good armor and equipment to protect you. That is exactly what I found here at Athena's books and Battle Gear. Their products have saved my life on a number of occasions. Thank you! - Sparta, Greece



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